Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Onetm - Epsiode 14: I Never Even Tried


Devin had the pick this week and he went with the lesser-known pop-punk/easycore band Daggermouth from Vancouver BC. Also, poison ivy (the rash not the villain), flipped canoes and Matt's secret past as a video-girl! Lots to talk about on this epiosde of Onetm! Thanks for listening along!

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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Onetm - Episode 13: Summer Thaw


This week on Onetm Matt and Devin discuss Matt's final pick for an All-Canadian July: The Coast by Toronto rock-punk band Pup. As well as a couple well guarded stories from Matt, did you know he almost talked to John K. Samson but elected rather to sit in awkward silence. Riveting. All this and lots more on Onetm!

If you are seeing this anywhere else, please Subscribe on Apple Podcasts and/or Follow on Spotify!  

Onetm - Episode 40: Hey Coffee Eyes

ONE TRACK MINDS! You know they can't pronounce it! Today on Onetm, Matt, Devin and Iain kick off the 'Family Members' theme. It...